Dr. Neubrander often asked what diet is best or what the child should be dodan.Sljedeći article was written by Dr. Neubrander to solve this problem.
Keep in mind that children are individualized and there is no easy thing odgovor.Nekoliko general rules that will apply to most patients most of the time (! The main exception, of course) are as follows: Start with the GFCF diet first and watch for clinical benefit. The following diet is usually followed by SCD diet that eliminates special foods (elimination and rotation), food chemicals, such as phenolics, salicylates, glutamates, Excitotoxins, etc. It can be after a "limited" low oxalate diet (not tight), body diet ecology or gaps diet (Gut and Psychology syndrome diet). Last child many parents move into a very "strict" low-oxalate diet. Note that there is no 'perfect order', and different children will be better to switch the standings. This is something that parents and their clinicians can do together, but more often than not parents try to own as they watch what works and what does not work for your child.
As mentioned above, there are reasons that a child may have to skip "next to the usual diet will be added to" go further down the list. These "jumps" or "exceptions" are usually based on the child's symptoms, the debate is too large and too specific to be covered in this comment. Trial and error is a tried and true methods. Lab tests are often misleading and confusing. In addition, laboratory tests are not always available for many different "mechanisms of action" that may be operating. Even if a laboratory test can be done, because there are so many different laboratory tests to look at all the different mechanisms - ige "true" food allergy, IgG in non-allergic "delayed" hypersensitivity, it is difficult to break the peptides, gastrointestinal enzymatic defects, cytotoxicity, a direct chemical reactions, toxic reactions or intolerance to food contaminants or components, etc. - it is financially impossible and impractical to do them all. Therefore, clinical trials of the body is the best laboratory test, but only if done in a systematic and progressive manner.
As mentioned above, there are reasons that a child may have to skip "next to the usual diet will be added to" go further down the list. These "jumps" or "exceptions" are usually based on the child's symptoms, the debate is too large and too specific to be covered in this comment. Trial and error is a tried and true methods. Lab tests are often misleading and confusing. In addition, laboratory tests are not always available for many different "mechanisms of action" that may be operating. Even if a laboratory test can be done, because there are so many different laboratory tests to look at all the different mechanisms - ige "true" food allergy, IgG in non-allergic "delayed" hypersensitivity, it is difficult to break the peptides, gastrointestinal enzymatic defects, cytotoxicity, a direct chemical reactions, toxic reactions or intolerance to food contaminants or components, etc. - it is financially impossible and impractical to do them all. Therefore, clinical trials of the body is the best laboratory test, but only if done in a systematic and progressive manner.
What is not well understood is that there are many different "mechanisms" as to why certain foods can cause problems in different subgroups of individuals who look alike and have the same kinds of symptoms. Let's use casein as a good example. Some patients can not tolerate casein, and the "opioid" mechanism that causes a drug reaction. This opioid as a phenomenon is due to the inability of "specific" enzymes that break down the key relationships that occur between the molecules holding together the individual components of casein molecules [and certain parts of the gluten molecule]. Thus, "if", the patient does not have this enzyme, DPPIV ["DPP-four"], casein can be broken down into its lowest common denominator (an amino acid called "peptides") and thus remain polypeptides or "dipeptides , "which is then absorbed, and subsequently the" wrong "side of the body of the opioid receptors with which they cross react as opioids [morphine-like drugs]. This "opioid response" to the casein / dairy products only "a special mechanism" for a variety of mechanisms to protect dairy can not be good for a certain subset of children. "Adenosine relationship" is "another special mechanism" by which dairy products from milk (no eggs), acting through the DPPIV time, blocks the effectiveness of methyl-B12.
"has a special mechanism" of why some children will do better without dairy products, because the child may have a "TRUE Food Allergies," npr.odgovor IgE antibodies [accepted by all conventionally trained doctors]. Yet "is a special mechanism" of why some children will do better without dairy products, because a child can have "food sensitivities / intolerances," npr.odgovor IgG antibodies [accepted by most practitioners of alternative medicine, but only a small percentage of conventionally trained physicians] . "Another special mechanism" would include abnormal cytotoxic response when the nucleus of cells directly incubated with casein. Once this is done, the core of "angry" getting a lot more blue and the nuclei look just like the sky before the storm instead of a pretty blue sky on a summer day. Yet "is a special mechanism" will include lactose, which "different enzyme" from that described above can not break the milk sugar. When this happens, the undigested milk sugar bypasses absorption in the small intestine and travels to the colon where bacteria and yeast to say: "yippee, beer and pretzel time!" and parties on the front lawn of the colon. Unfortunately byproducts of bacteria and yeast are "overfed" is the production of hydrogen and methane gases, which resulted in the child's feeling bloated after bloating and possibly abdominal pain.
Many similar mechanism occurs with a child that could be better on a gluten-free diet, npr.DPPIV-opiod mechanism, IgE and IgG, and cytotoxic mechanisms mehanizam.Dodatni mechanism comes into play with gluten, and this is an autoimmune phenomenon known as celiac disease. In this disorder the body makes antibodies against its own intestinal sluznicu.Sluznice become damaged and therefore the absorption surface becomes compromised, which impairs the body's ability to absorb. It may be in the picture by opening the fingers of one hand to observe and joints, which we define as an absorptive surface. When the antibodies destroy the surface of the lining, making this picture fist. Now compare the two - the first major surface, while others have very little. So with celiac disease.
Many similar mechanism occurs with a child that could be better on a gluten-free diet, npr.DPPIV-opiod mechanism, IgE and IgG, and cytotoxic mechanisms mehanizam.Dodatni mechanism comes into play with gluten, and this is an autoimmune phenomenon known as celiac disease. In this disorder the body makes antibodies against its own intestinal sluznicu.Sluznice become damaged and therefore the absorption surface becomes compromised, which impairs the body's ability to absorb. It may be in the picture by opening the fingers of one hand to observe and joints, which we define as an absorptive surface. When the antibodies destroy the surface of the lining, making this picture fist. Now compare the two - the first major surface, while others have very little. So with celiac disease.
Other diets include the removal of a diet based on "true allergy tests - tests of IgE," to "intolerance / allergy sensitivity tests - tests of IgG", "cytotoxic sensitivity - lymphoblastic activation" or "chemical reactions to food substances, "npr.Feingold diet and similar diets," metabolic disorders ", such as avoiding foods that contain items such as phenols, sulfur-time offenders, tyramines, nightshades, oxalate diet, etc. Each of these diets may work for one mechanism or alternatively, because the synergistic combination of mechanisms that work together.
Note that the SINGLE most valuable laboratory test is a child-specific reactions to the introduction, limitations, and then re-introduction of potentially offending substance. So if you're in doubt, cut it from your child's diet and observe clinical results. Understand that the removal of the item can not give clinical results that are easily visible. However, the reintroduction of food, symptoms or decompensation May then appear.
The only real exception of the general principle was that "big baddies," things that are known to be dangerous to life, things such as peanuts, shrimp, etc. These are true IgE allergies can have serious consequences if not respected. For these substances should not be considered reintroducing them just to see if the child has changed or can not tolerate or ne.Problem matter is that if it again, two things can happen. With the first reintroduction after the food for a period of time, the body can not be out of the reaction, although internally the body will lose what is a "temporary amnesic response" because the foods to avoid for a long time until it asks for a serious reaction should be ingested food again in a relatively short period of time. Another thing that can happen to a child may react to the first reintroduction of food and potentially life-threatening anaphylactic emergency.
Do not forget that each child is different and that each child is drukčiji.Najbolji way to determine when to start and when to stop the diet will be different, one child to the next. That's why I always recommend professional help in these matters. As is standard in your practice, if you believe that the result of starting a diet could be "very important", or have significant benefits or side effects, I recommend that diet can be started at a time when no other variables are added or removed from children's programs. The same principle applies to the general interruption of nutrition.
Children are very frustrating, no doubt. They are not "the American way!" The right diet is not easy to find. I do not diet is all easy to do. It takes commitment from parents and the changing way of life for families, one of the hardest things for us to do - change! However, diets are worth the effort, every parent because when proper nutrition is, many troublesome symptoms associated with autism spectrum will diminish or disappear entirely ~! Good luck on your journey. We are here to help you in any way we can along the way.
James A. Neubrander, MD
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