The Kalamata Olive Diet - What Is It?

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diet Kalamata olives version of the Mediterranean diet. Other names include the Mediterranean diet or a diet Prasouda prehrane.Mediteranska Greek Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest diets in the world. This is supported by the health statistics which indicate that the six countries with the lowest death rate from heart disease, four belong to the Mediterranean countries. In the United States has about 106 heart disease deaths per 100,000 population. In the UK the figure is 122 per 100,000 in Australia is 110 per 100,000. The average of these four Mediterranean countries is 57 deaths per 100,000 population. These statistics beg the question ... What are they doing right?

What are Kalamata olives?

Kalamata olives get their name from the Kalamata region of Greece known for the rich, flavorsome olive and olive ulja.Grad Kalamata is the Messinian Gulf led to the famous town of Sparta in the North. They are sometimes called Greek olives and rich reddish purple color. When not used in the production of olive oil are generally pickled in brine or any vinaigrette dressing. The pickling process gives them a dark brown or even black coloration. Kalamata olives contain Anthocyanin (pigment rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties).

Did you know that any fruit with a reddish or purplish color is high in antioxidants which play an important line in the body of the first line of defense against 'free radicals' which can cause cell mutations and lead to diseases such as heart disease and cancer. In general, the darker skin color, the more antioxidants they contain. So, the more antioxidant rich foods you eat better and Kalamata olives are an ideal source of ... They are also tasted delicious! From Kalamata olives contain flavonoids, vitamin E and antioxidants, they protect the body from these free radicals. They also support the immune system, improve heart health and reduce inflammation. Another advantage is that they are rich in fiber.

As with many things, we should eat them in moderate quantities of 15 grams of Kalamata olives (about 3-5 olives) contains 45 calories, because of its high fat content. Brined species should also be consumed in moderation because of its high sodium content.

What is a Mediterranean diet or Kalamata olives Diet?

As you would expect, the diet includes eating lots of Kalamata olives in various forms; whole, tapenade (olive paste), oils and dressings, etc. The main focus is on the Mediterranean diet eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole cereals, olives and olive oil, fish and seafood, cheese and yogurt. Red meat consumption is limited to a few times a month.

Because of the relatively low consumption of milk and dairy products and meat, saturated fat content of the Mediterranean diet was significantly lower than in the United States. It is also much higher in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in olive oil in fish and seafood with the rich in Omega 3 fatty acids are found primarily in fish and seafood.

It is interesting to note that the Mediterranean diet pyramid, there is no category for fats and olive oil is categorized as a fruit and vegetables and is involved in most of the cooking. Most fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw or lightly cooked.

As with any healthy diet, active lifestyle is recommended even if you only go for 30 minutes a day. Following the Mediterranean diet will create many desirable health benefits.

To view statistics related to heart disease mortality rates for 1998-2004 visits.



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